
    Lalenok la fó salariu ba Soares durante Époka ida, FIFA husu atu selu

    DILI – Federation International Football Asosiation (FIFA sigla ingles) liu husi Tribunal Futebool, notifika klubu primeira divizaun Liga Timorense, Lalenok United Fc, hafaoin simu keixa husi eis jogador Lalenok United Fc, Italo Soares Pementel tanba klubu la fó salariu ba jogador refere durante Époka ida. Ho núne’e FIFA husu ba klubu atu fó salariu ba jogador.

    Tuir karta ne’ebé mak JHD asesu iha loron Domingu (10/04), katak desizaun ho nu referensia REF FPSD-4978 husi Fédération Internationale de Football Association- FIFA liu husi Tribunál Futeból ne’ebé notifika ba Klubu Lalenok United Fc hafoin simu keisa husi eis Jogador Lalenok United Italo Soares Pementel.

    Italo Soares Pementel hato’o keisa ne’e ba FIFA hafoin la hetan salariu ba knaar ne’ebé nia hala’o nu’udár Jogador ne’ebé lori Lalenok United Fc okupa segunda lugar iha Liga Timorense Epoka 2021. Tan ne’e, FIFA liu husi Tribunál Futeból hasai desizaun iha 28 marsu 2022, hodi obriga klubu Lalenok United Fc atu selu jogador refere durante loron efetivu.

    The Respondent, Lalenok United FC , has to pay to the Claimant, the following amount(s): – USD 7,500 as outstanding remuneration, plus 5% interest p.a. until the date of effective (FIFA, FOOTBALL TRIBUNAL, 2022)”.

    Fundamentu ba artigu 24 husi estatutu no transferensia jogadór, kuandu pagamentu refere la realiza durante loron 45 husi loron notifikasaun ne’e, maka klubu sei simu konsekuensia, katak labele halo rejistasaun ba jogadór foun, tantu nasionál no internasional to’o loron pagamentu ou durante epoka 3.

    The Respondent shall be banned from registering any new players, either nationally or internationally, up until the due amount is paid. The maximum duration of the ban shall be of up to three entire and consecutive registration periods, (FIFA, FOOTBALL TRIBUNAL, 2022).

    Enkunatu, liu tiha period tolu ne’e maka, parte klubu nafatin reziste atu kumpri maka kestaun ferere sei entrega komite disiplináriu FIFA nian.

    The present matter shall be submitted, upon request, to the FIFA Disciplinary Committee in the event that full payment (including all applicable interest) is still not made by the end of the three entire and consecutive registration periods.

    Desizaun refere foti husi Frans de Weger (Netherlands), Chairperson Stijn Boeykens (Belgium), Elvis Chetty (Seychelles), iha loron 28 marsu, iha Zurich, Switzerland.

    Enkuantu, Italo Pimental Soares hetan asistensia legal husi Brocchi ho Souza, husi Sociedade de Advogados.

    JHD Admin
    JHD Admin
    Juventude Hadomi Desportu

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